The Cambodian NGO Committee on CEDAW

Dignity Cambodia 2023 – Children Booklet “Not just Money” by Dosslarb – Socheata Hing and Rachna Thim

About the Artists: 

Socheata Hing graduated from the Royal University of Phnom Penh, majoring in Media andCommunication management. She is one of the co-founders of Dosslarb and works on DigitalManagement. She worked as a media and communication officer at Plan International Cambodia for almost three years. Most of her works involve building brand awareness, and media engagement. In addition to communication tasks, she keeps on learning and enjoying compelling stories-writing, and photography. Socheata is excited to raise awareness related to girls empowerment and gender equality and passionate in developing visual story-telling.

Rachna Thim has adequate experience in professional writing, content creation, journalism, organizational strategic communication, and project management. As a student journalist, she has completed in-depth reporting assignments at numerous media institutions. Her reporting ranges from culture to education to social issues with a special focus on the underrepresented communities. Her passion for gender equality, diversity, inclusion, and empowerment extends beyond journalism. Rachna has developed extensive experience in strategic communication and content development for organizations which spans from STEM education to inclusive education to renewable energy and sustainability.

About the Children Booklet: 

Abuse can happen in everything and everywhere all at once. Violence is not always visible to the eyes. In fact, it might even take us longer to face the truth before we can muster the courage to seek support. This small booklet serves as a small contribution to raising awareness on economic and emotional violence, which has yet to be widely discussed. We hope that more discussions will only happen towards a violence-free future together.


Read the Children booklet here:

Below are some of the productions created by Dosslarb – Socheata Hing and Rachna Thim for the Winning Art Exhibition during the Dignity Cambodia 2023.



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