I. Background of the Project:
The Cambodian NGO Committee on CEDAW (NGO-CEDAW) has been a partner of DanChurchAid, Cambodia (DCA) for more than 20 years. DCA has numerous local Cambodian partners who are receiving funding from DCA and/or co-implementing projects with DCA. DCA has engaged NGO-CEDAW to assist in efforts to meet some of DCA’s strategic goals related to gender equality. These goals include:
- increased focus on fighting gender discriminatory laws and practices and opportunity to engage faith actors to work proactively towards gender equality; and
- systematically identifying, testing and scaling up innovation in its programs and operational functions to support the strategic goals.
As part of these goals, NGO-CEDAW will conduct gender assessments of DCA partner organizations, develop partner’s gender policies and conduct capacity building as needed. Gender includes not only roles of men and women, but also encompasses LGBTIQ persons.
II. Expected result from the consultancy:
- Gender assessment conducted with all DCA’s partners
- The assessment report will inform the level of partners’ existing policies and practice on gender equality and gender mainstreaming and concrete recommendation.
- The strength, weakness and need for each individual partner is clearly for future consideration for improvement.
The national consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
- The Consultant will, in cooperation with NGO-CEDAW, develop methodology and design a questionnaire for all staff and key stakeholders of all DCA partners organizations. It is important that the questionnaire be designed in such a way that it can be administered not only to program and management staff but also to board members, key stakeholders, and to support staff, including finance, administration, cleaning, and security staff.
- The Consultant will create a schedule for interviews and for administering the questionnaire for staff and stakeholders. Consultant will conduct the interviews and keep detailed written notes of responses. Questionnaire responses will be input by Consultant into a searchable and sortable spreadsheet database.
- Consultant will obtain copies of key documents of all DCA’s partners and share them with NGO-CEDAW. These documents will include, at a minimum, the strategic plans, personnel policies, grievance policies, harassment/abuse policies and staff lists (disaggregated by gender) and any gender-related policies mentioned by partners during the interview process.
- Consultant will write a report summarizing and analyzing the results of the gender assessment surveys. The report shall include findings and recommendations for improving gender equality within DCA’s partners and network. The recommendation shall include analysis of each individual partners about the existing policies and the need of capacity building and or policy development/revision.
IV. Timeframe:
All tasks in the scope of work must be completed by October 31, 2021.
V. How to apply
Please submit a letter of interest along with your CV (if you plan to conduct the work with a team, please include the CV of each team member) to NGO-CEDAW’s office, located inside the LICADHO building: # 16, Street 99, Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamcamorn, Phnom Penh. Applications may also be sent by e-mail to: [email protected]
Deadline for application: February 25, 2021 at 12:00 noon.
Please note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.