The Cambodian NGO Committee on CEDAW

University Debate 2024 – Women and Gender Stereotypes in 21st Century

The 2024 university debate of NGO-CEDAW was successfully  held under the theme of “Women and Gender stereotypes in the 21st century” and co-organized by RULErs. Debate’s objectives are

  • To raise awareness for the public and relevant stakeholders to see the different cases about gender issues happening in Cambodia through youths’ discussion and perspective;
  • To create a debate forum where youths could make their voices and perspectives heard related to gender issues in Cambodian context. 
  • To give opportunities to the youths to showcase their skills in Public Speaking and Debate skill on stage;
  • To make youths learn and understand about CEDAW principles, frameworks, and conventions in the countries that have endorsed the treaty in opposing the effects of discrimination.
  • To develop advocacy campaigns or educational initiatives to promote gender awareness and inclusivity
  • To offer participants full experiences and understanding about the current issues and equip them with skills needed for their future endeavors and positive cause to the society through trainings, mentoring sessions, and advises;

In order the ensure a smooth operation of the public debate, the co-organizing committee had been working through many processes. The recruitment process took around two weeks which included online applications. We received 93 online applications and selected around 70 applications to the interview process. The orientation was conducted for all interviewees so that they understand the interviewing process. Additionally, the training on CEDAW principles was also provided which allowed them to learn some basic knowledge of gender concepts. After the interview sessions, the committee selected 18 candidates to the participate in the Semi-final competition. As the way for the debaters to prepare and build their knowledge and skills on debate, the debate technique and the gender training were provided. During the preparation, the team also supported the debaters by providing mentorship sessions through teaming them up with experienced former debaters. Moreover, a mock debate was hosted for them so that the debaters had an opportunity to practice and rehearse their debating presentation. The discussion topics for the teams were

  1. Young people play an important role in eradicating gender stereotypes, discussed by Pro team (Khmom Meala) – Con team (Neary Pachayuth)
  2. Education is the main mechanism to stop gender stereotypes, discussed by Pro team (Red Ant) – Con team (GenZ’s Genius)

The Semi-final around was held on the 29 September 2024 at Poulo Wai Hotel and Apartment with the total of participants of 61 participants, 38 females, 54 youth. 

  1. Determining the Quota of Women and Gender Identity in the Workplace as a Catalyst for Gender Equality in Society, discussed by Pro team (Khmom Meala) – Con team (GenZ’s Genius)
  2. Increasing the number of women in leadership and decision-making roles is an effective factor in building gender equality in society, discussed by Pro team (Neary Pachayuth) – Con team (Red Ant)

The Final round then was held on the 20 October 2024 at Himawari hotel and apartment with the total of participants of 90 participants, 

  1. Gender roles and social perception are the main reasons for the inequality of women’s participation in the labor force, discussed by Pro team (Neary Pachayuth) – Con team (GenZ’s Genius)

Congratulations to Neary Pachayuth team for winning the 1st place and GenZ’s Genius team for winning the 2nd place in the “Women and Gender Stereotypes in the 21st Century” Debate Competition 2024.


Congratulations to all best speakers, best team, best improvement candidates and all them who had joined this meaningful learning journey.


The organizing team would like to thank all trainers Seak  Pichrachana and Ngoun Vayu and judges Oy Mariny, Som Tyna, Soth Poesamnang, Phan Kimhong, Sokun Sokha, and Pich Phearak, for their valuable time in participating in the program. Once again, thank you to the four mentors, Ung Khemarabomeychan, Pa Lyheng, Hey Channy, and Choem Sreychen, who provided guidance, feedback, and coaching to their respective teams.We would also like to thank our partners, donors DanChurchAid Cambodia, UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia, and all media partners, Cambodian Center for Independent Media, Kampuchea Thmey Daily, and CC Times, for their support and help make the program run smoothly. In particular, thank you to all the volunteers who worked hard to organize, spend their personal time, and attend meetings both on weekends and at night. Your efforts really mean a lot to this project.

#NGOCEDAW #UniversityDebate2024 #Youths_Perspectives #Gender_Equality #RULErs





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